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About this Spiritual Retreat

In our frequently frantic lives, experiencing the divine through nature is often not high on our list of priorities. When we do, it's often rushed and fleeting. This nature retreat provides an open invitation to slow down, open our hearts to the "second gaze," and expand our capacity to see all things as sacred.

Through immersive nature experiences, we will pursue a deep and rich understanding of our interconnectedness to God, each other, creation, and ultimately spiritual transformation.

Join us for an adventure in reconnecting to ourselves as nature in human form. Explore the mystery of incarnation realized through the sacred union of the material and spirit – or simply Christ, in whom all things were created.


Spiritual Retreat Details

What to Expect

We will be meeting and learning both inside and outside as we experience guided forest bathing walks, quiet wonderings through the wilderness of Colorado, and sharing our experiences together. There will also be time for meditation, contemplation, and relaxation.

We can expect dry, hot weather this time of the year. Dress accordantly, bring sun screen, hat, and good hiking shoes.

What’s included

Lodging: The Lodge at the Hokey Pokey Ranch provides western lodge accommodations and stunning views and is a place to unplug & get away from "it all."

Meals: Continental breakfast, simple lunches, and dinner will be provided throughout the weekend.

Kim Neilson wearing a hat with the letter b on it

Meet Your Guide:
KIM Nielsen Van Natta

Trained Spiritual Director
Certified Forest Therapy Guide


Pricing: $350

Price per person based on double occupancy rooms

Single Room occupancy additional cost: $50

Are you Looking for Something?

All our trips provide spiritual direction explicitly customized for your life experience and faith. Our guides challenge you with open-ended questions and transformational exploration into the sacred and profound. They will not tell you what to think or feel but encourage you how to think... how to feel, to be sensitive to your inner voice, our universal conscience... the voice of God. Are you looking for a deeper understanding of scripture or your relationship to the divine? Our guides will help open up these potentially unexplored areas of the heart. Our tours invite you to slow down, open your heart to the "second gaze," and expand your capacity to see all things and places as sacred.

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